If Not Now, When?

There’s never a perfect time for anything. This was a saying I heard often growing up. It implied that if you want something bad enough you shouldn’t wait around for the stars to align and pave the way. In 2021, after working as a nurse during the pandemic, I finally decided to get serious about a personal project I began planning more than a decade ago- writing a children’s book based on a story my great-grandmother told me as a child. What was the trigger? A small piece of feedback from a co-worker and friend who asked me one day why I didn’t dream bigger. This question, unrelated to this personal goal, made a deeper impression on me than I realized at the time and was the impetus I needed to begin getting out of my own way. This site is a journey into that process and a small sharing of the fun I’ve had along the way creating and sharing my tale with you. I hope it inspires you to dream bigger as well. Welcome…

Shannon Hone